Monday 3 February 2014

How to Make Money Online: The Couch Potato Millionaire

Turn £1 Into £1,000 Every Single Day … Easy
Make 400% Profit Time & Time Again
But Only For The Next Five Years
The Couch Potato Millionaire
A strange thing is happening. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the High Street is dying. More people than ever are shopping online – 1 in 5 purchases made this Christmas. Ask anyone who runs a physical shop; it’s a nightmare. But where there’s pain there’s gain, and one person’s misfortune is someone else’s BIG opportunity.
Sorry to be so brutal, but I’m an opportunist. I see things as they are. And if you’re not taking advantage of this phenomenon, then you’re missing out BIG TIME.
There are a few people in this country doing what I’m doing. But they’re keeping quiet about it. They think they’ve discovered a secret that can bring them untold fortunes from the comfort of their living room and it will last forever. They’re right … and they’re wrong. It’s happening, and they can make a bundle. They’re doing it every day. But it’s not going to last forever – I give it five years max. Importantly, nobody has been prepared to spill the beans … until now.
“I’m making a shed-load of money from home … but don’t tell anyone!”
It’s not rocket science. Anyone can do it. No skills required, no money needed, no capital necessary … at all. Customers fall over themselves and you don’t meet any of them. It’s the easiest way possible to make a bale of cash, so all these people are keeping schtum. But that’s daft, when anyone can have a go at this. I’m all in favour of equality of opportunity.
Let me introduce myself. My name’s Harry Considine and I’m a nosy neighbour. A bit of a curtain twitcher, to be honest. So I noticed this geeky kid from down the street pass by every day with a bag full of ‘stuff’ and return later with what looked like a bundle of cash. Of course I thought the worst, especially as each day he seemed to be better dressed and then started driving a swanky car. So, I confronted him, full-on expecting to receive a mouthful of abuse. Or worse.
In actually fact, he’s a really nice kid. Also called Harry, as coincidence would have it (but let’s call him the Geeky Kid). What he was doing was nothing illegal at all. In fact, I’m totally amazed that everyone isn’t doing what he does. It’s the most obvious thing in the world, when you come to think of it – one of those ‘why the hell haven’t I thought of this’ ideas that’s just so beautifully simple and so incredibly easy to achieve. And, as I’ve said above, doesn’t require one penny to begin. In fact, people send you a bunch of money first!
          “You can bank a grand in an afternoon without actually having done                anything. Only then do you spent a couple of hours in front of the TV.”
This is what the Geeky Kid told me, plain and simple. I was incredulous. It sounded perfect for a bit of a lazy-ass like me. A couch potato.
So, through a combination of (bad cop) threatening to shop him to the police for ‘looking like’ someone peddling illicit substances, together with (good cop) taking him for a pint or two down the boozer, the Geeky Kid told me everything about what he was doing and how to go about it.
He was banking up to £1,000 a dayEvery day. For a couple of hours work. More like fun, really. Making a 75% profit margin in the process. We laughed that it’s actually more lucrative than selling drugs!
Add up £1,000 every day for a couple of weeks, where 75% represents your profit, and you can see for yourself what a fortnight’s work can achieve. Over time, we’re talking retirement money.
I needed to know more, so I talked him into writing it all down for me, with a view to me sharing this ’system’ with others by way of a ‘report’. It seemed unfair to keep it to ourselves. Rather than report him, I thought I’d report on him. And I’ve dabbled with a bit of home publishing in the past, so knew what to do.
But first, as any good reporter would do, I had to witness him in action.
To be frank, it’s not actually like work at all. Good Lord, he handles everything whilst watching TV (programmes that don’t appeal to me, it has to be said). Indeed, it’s a couch potato’s dream, hence the name of the report. As mentioned, I’m a bit of a potato myself, believing life’s too short to break into a sweat. My philosophy on life has always been a bit like pizza and sex:
 When it’s good it’s very good, and when it’s bad … it’s still quite good.
There are too many interesting things to do in life than to have to work hard.
Anyway, here’s what I witnessed and here’s how it works. I’m now doing it myself as well, because it would be daft not to, so I know the ins and outs perfectly, and of course in the process have double-proven it works. 
It’s a simple 4-stage process:
1) First, you pop down your local high street and have a stroll around. Almost any high street will do. You have to do that now, because in five years’ time the high street is not going to exist, since everyone will be shopping online. So that’s why this system will only last five years, in my opinion. So get in now!
2) You identify certain items (I’ll show you exactly how to do that, and what items to select) and then you wander back home, having bought absolutely nothing. For me, that’s a good morning’s work, so I might have a pint in the pub on the way home.
3) Once reinstalled in the comfort of the favourite part of your sofa, with or without the TV on – it makes no difference – you find your customers (and of course I’ll show you exactly how easy it is to do that). And instantly they start buying. I mean … immediately, within seconds sometimes. And they happily pay you four times (or more) the price for what you haven’t yet bought. (Don’t worry, it’s still all perfectly legal.)
4) Then, with all the cash already in your bank, trying not to spend it at the bookie’s round the corner (always a temptation for me), you pop back out for a bit of shopping, call in the post office and … Bob’s yer Uncle. Job done.
And repeat from the top.
How difficult was that?
Of course there are some ‘secrets’. You’ve got to know which items to identify and how to market them, which has been learned by trial and error (that’s really the only hard-won knowledge bit). But we show you all that; the whole hand-holding routine. And if for any reason you’re unsuccessful, and don’t start immediately to make a bundle – and, to be honest, you’d have to be more of a lazy-ass than me to achieve that, which would take some doing – then I’ll refund you the cost of my report, The Couch Potato Millionaire. I’ll also send you a potato. To keep. To place on the mantelpiece and remind of how you achieved the impossible: to fail at making an infallible system work!
But there’s an urgency, here. Although this system is utterly foolproof – because of course you’re not spending anything in advance of banking the cash – it’s not going to last forever. It doesn’t matter how many people around the country do this – that’s not the issue – it’s a question of timing: you couldn’t do this five years ago, and I believe that you won’t be able to do it in five years’ time. But NOW is ideal … 
It’s one of those zeitgeist moments – The Perfect Storm
 … where the modern world is taking over the old, but hasn’t quite got there yet. Hence this opportunity exists.
To reiterate:
There’s nothing illegal happening here. It’s perfectly legitimate. Simple tradable commodities that are easy to handle. And even easier to sell (in fact there’s a queue of people wanting to buy!). Obviously it’s perfectly above-board.
Why isn’t everyone doing this? I have no idea. Anyone can. You just need to be bothered. Anyone could, but most people don’t, because they either aren’t motivated, or don’t know how, or are too sceptical by nature to believe it’s possible. Yet it obviously is, because the Geeky Kid and I do it daily, separately. We’re very average people, from the same average street in Averagetown. And I personally make about a grand a day, on average, and so does he. And neither of us can be arsed to push it to the max, or even close.
Here are just a few examples of what I’ve personally achieved to date:
Day 1 - £120 (I was just testing it out)
Day 2 - £191 (I felt a little more bold)
Day 3 - £255 (I basically repeated what I did on Day 1, and doubled it)
Day 4 - £452 (I put Days 1+2 together and then added a bit)
Day 5 - £576 (best day so far, but still reasonably cautious)
Day 6 & 7 – £0 (the weekend, and too much sport on TV to be enjoyed)
So, not bad for a first week. And remember: this is literally the very first week the Geeky Kid showed me how to operate, so it’s not as though there’s any learning curve or training to undertake. To use a modern expression, it’s all very plug ‘n’ play.
The next week I started to pull out the stops a little (getting up before midday helped). Here’s what happened:
Day 8 - £325 (a slow, gentle start – no need to burst a gasket)
Day 9 - £590 (wahey! – that’s more than I’ve ever made in a day!)
Day 10 - £736 (now I was in the swing)
Day 11 - £889 (cracking along)
Day 12 - £947 (I’m a pro!)
Day 13 - £1,004 (I know it was a Saturday, but I was excited)
Day 14 - £0 (football on the TV)
And since then I’ve consistently made (on average) £1,000 a day. It’s a breeze!
And you can do the same, over and over again, as many times as you wish. Like I say, it’s not rocket science. Anyone can do it. If the Geeky Kid and I can prove it’s successful, then it’s got to be considered childs-play.
I’m just an ordinary bloke, as you can probably tell. But I’ve definitely discovered a ‘system’ that very few people know about. I suppose I’ve just got lucky. Or my curtain twitching has paid off. But now I’m laughing all the way to bank. My ship really has come in, and so can yours.
And it’s not like I’m doing it full-time, I guess I must ‘work’ two, maybe three hours a day. But to be honest, that’s enough for me.
And why am I telling you this? Because there is absolutely no harm in me doing so. The market is big enough for us all. It’s nationwide. In fact it’s probably global. I have no monopoly on this and I don’t want one, and I rather like the idea of other people joining in. In fact, we can all work it together. 
Listen to me – You really have to do it now
The moment is not going to last forever
In five years we’ll have to do something else, because this opportunity will be over, so we should all make hay while the sun shines. And maybe I’ll have made enough in that time to retire, anyway. I only intend to a make a million out of it; I’m not desperately ambitious. 
Let me re-cap: 
  • Anyone can do this.
  • £1,000 profit a day is achievable. I’ve proved it.
  • You know the system works, because you see it happening everywhere, in different ways (I’ll show you).
  • And that’s from ‘working’ two to three hours a day.
  • But it can just as easily be done in the evenings/weekends/part-time.
  • I guess you could make £1,000,000 over five years, easy
  • The market is hugemassive; there’s room for everyone.
  • You do not need any money whatsoever. Not a bean. Promise.
  • You can do this from home, or wherever.
  • There are zero overheads.
  • There is no risk.
  • And I offer a full money-back guarantee anyway.
  • Oh, and it is totally ethical and legal.
Like I say, this opportunity will only last for a short time. But you need to get in now to take advantage. Otherwise, in a few years you’ll look back and be kicking yourself.
All-in-all, you really do have nothing to lose. But you could be making £1,000 a day, starting from tomorrow.
In the report I’ll reveal absolutely everything you need to know: 
·   How the Geeky Kid came up with the idea, what inspired him, how he set about it, the mistakes you can avoid, and how to operate smoothly.
·      Which specific items to focus on for maximum profit (some of these will shock you!).
·      Where to offer your stuff and have a queue forming instantly.
·      What to tell customers to have them begging to buy repeatedly.
·      How to start small and build to a major fortune-making operation.
·      How to get started if you have no money at all!
And a great deal more.
If you’re looking for a way to make life-changing amounts of cash without financial risk or commitment, then ‘our’ system can help you do it.
And at a price which I think is going to surprise you.
So, how much is all this going to cost …
Well, I think I’m probably going to put The Couch Potato Millionaire on Amazon in the summer for £100. It will be a ‘steal’ at that price. Remember, it reveals proper information that you can use to make tens of thousands of pounds  - and starting right away. Isn’t that worth a hundred quid? Anyone following the simple instructions will make a great deal of cash. Although there’s a few people quietly doing it, and thus proving it works countless times, it's never been taught or revealed before and it's not available anywhere else.
But I don't want you to pay £100 today …
Because that might put you off and I really want you to try out the system … although I really hate to discount things, since I believe it devalues them. So, I’ve come up with a solution that benefits both you and me:
You can have The Couch Potato Millionaire today for two-thirds the price, so let’s say £67 to be fair, on the proviso that when you start raking in the cash you might consider sending me the difference. I’m not going to chase you, I won’t mention it ever again or bother you at all. But if you feel that you’ve received value-for-money – and I obviouslyknow that you will – and feel thankful to the person who introduced you to it, then I’m hoping you might be minded to contribute further. But that’s entirely up to you.
I’m happy because I know my report is worth £100 and I’m not discounting it. You’re happy because you’ve received it and can put the plan into action for two-thirds the price, at only £67 (incl P&P). So we’re all content.
Please understand that this offer is only open until I list the report on Amazon, whenever that may be, at which time it will obviously have to be withdrawn. But today it’s current, so I trust you’re happy with the arrangement.

This is in addition, of course, to the distributor’s guarantee:

Completely Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee

You can order your copy of The Couch Potato Millionaire on approval. If you decide for any reason whatsoever that the system isn't right for you, or doesn't live up to your expectations, you can return it at any time within 30 days for a full refund - no hassles, no questions asked. With this 30-day promise, there’s not a single reason why you shouldn’t try it out for yourself.
But there’s more …
If you reply within 7 days you will qualify to receive a free bonus. The Geeky Kid is putting together another report of how he paid off his student loan in just six months. Y’see, this isn’t the first money-making discovery he’s happened upon. He’s quite the youthful entrepreneur, I learn (should’ve been on Young Apprentice, if you ask me).
Saddled by a mountain of debt, as many graduates are these days, he was determined not to let this handicap his future. Fortuitously (or cleverly) he discovered, or rather this time invented, a way of making money over the Internet that no one else in the whole world had thought of. He wasn’t imitating anyone, he wasn’t inspired by something else, he just … well, plain and simple … dreamt it up. And it worked. Spectacularly. Or spectacularly enough that he paid off his whole student debt (which amounted to some £30,000) in 6 months. Ordinarily this would’ve (should’ve) taken 10-15 years. But he achieved it in 25 weeks. And he’s also prepared to share this secret with you, too. Indeed he’s putting the report together now. And you will qualify to receive it, but only if you replywithin 7 days.
To receive a copy of the The Couch Potato Millionaire on approval, click the button below. Within the next few days you could be putting this hard-hitting cutting-edge information to profit, making work for you.
I look forward to hearing from you very soon, and dispatching your personal copy of The Couch Potato Millionaire. I know you'll be absolutely delighted.
Very Best Wishes
Harry Considine
PS. Remember, everyone else is going to pay £100, but with this special offer you can claim a copy for just £67 ... and if you’re not satisfied for any reason whatsoever - it won't cost you a penny!
PPS. Reply within 7 days and you will qualify to receive The Geeky Kid’s secret of how to pay off your student loan in 25 weeks. Of course you could apply the same principle just to make money. Or give it as a present to someone who wants to get out of debt fast. Either way, you need to act now!
What’s there to lose!
Click on the Paypal image (you do not need a Paypal account)

Please Note: Couch Potato Millionaire is a proper book, not a flimsy digital product that you have to stare at a screen to read. We do enough of that. It will be delivered by post within 7 days (often soonest than that, but please allow a week). You can then read and refer to it at your leisure, in the garden, in the bath, or even on the couch.
Distributed by MASI Ltd (publishers: est.1994, over 1,000,000 happy customers), Lancaster Court, 36-39 Newman Street, London W1T 1QH. Tel: 07933 179997. © Harry Considine 2014